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Useful of technology theory for agriculture

If we think of agricultural work, then we quickly remember science.We can say that farming is not possible without science.So we can say that the age of science is a part of agricultural science.The wonderful development of science is to touch the best welfare of human life.Now there is a continuous journey of science everywhere.

useful of technology theory for agriculture

This is a very important topic, such as agriculture, which is widely associated with science.It can be said that the whole world is an agricultural field.

Thousands of people around the world are almost all based on agriculture.I think that the knowledge and the pursuit of agricultural knowledge of agriculture for thousands of people today.If the cultivation is done in modern scientific way, then on the one hand the production will increase and on the other hand.it will be rich and the country will be
self-dependent throughout the country.

At present, many agricultural systems have changed in many countries and it is now seen that in some backward countries, the agricultural system still remains in the ancient system.Even the underdeveloped farming peasant community is yet to become familiar with advanced agricultural methods.So they do not have the knowledge and meaning of implementing the modern agricultural system.Therefore, the production of crops in the world is not on the increase and it is getting decreased day by day.With the introduction of science in agriculture, many agricultural developments have been achieved

Infinite donations of science in agriculture.The method of cultivation has now been mechanized.The science is being taken to produce and preserve seeds. Fertilizer is the use of science in the end, etc.Research on various agricultural crops has led to the development of improved quality and high levels of crop yield.As a result of these progress, agricultural production has increased in many countries in many countries.

Therefore, we can say that all of our components are closely related to the insect.

Currently the technology is our blessing.

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