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Best memory for smartphone and computer

What do you mean by memory?
best memory for smartphone and computer

The media or holder used to store data and programs is called memory or memory of a computer.The data stored in the memory on the computer temporarily and permanently before and after processing.The memory address that is stored in the specific location of the memory is called a memory address and every precise location is called a memory cell.

Memory Functions on Computer.

1.Temporarily stores data and patterns received through input devices for processing
2.Saves processing intermediate results
3.Takes the final result of processing back to the output temporarily before delivery.
4.Supportive memory data and indicators permanently save time for future needs.

Measurement of memory.

8 bit=1 byte

1024 byte=1 Kilobytes

1024 kilobytes= 1 Megabytes

1024 Megabytes=1 Gigabytes

1024 Gigabytes=1 Terabyte

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