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The history of the internet and the way to know it

                "The history of the internet"

The history of the internet and the way to know it.
The history of the internet and the way to know it.

Internet and today's world.People's views on science have radically changed the way dreams are conceived.Today, people are rich in the light of civilization for the welfare of science, leaving behind a barbaric life.The Internet is called the world's largest computer network made up of numerous networks.
In English it is called the Internet Network or the World Wide Electronics Network.
All personal or institutional computers can communicate and exchange information with each other over the internet.
The Internet has opened a new horizon for communication.

Through the use of Internet technology, the whole world is now in the hands of people.
There are many rules and regulations in the use of the Internet.There are specific rules for using the Internet.This protocol is called Internet Protocol.No more than two times the internet has no fixed photo ball, it is not possible to exchange information or communicate between computers on the network.In this case, various photo calls can be noted.Of these, the most efficient old photos of the TCP Transmission Control or Photographs or IP Internet Protocol.

Many large files can be exchanged very easily.Internet connection is very important for the Internet during the time they are very used to the Internet.The Internet is connected to the computer in two ways.Internet service can be directly connected to any software network through online service.There are usually three types of networking systems that are connected to the Internet.There are many ways to use the Internet.Computer, modem, telephone lines and Internet providers require these four things to access the Internet.

The first is to type the computer's information into its memory.It is then conveniently sent to the recipient via networking software.Modern is one such device.It usually converts data from digital to analog and analog to digital to facilitate the transmission of information via telephone line.The telephone line facilitates the transfer of information.There are many benefits and easy ways to use pirazada.
The Internet is a networking facility on the computer that has made it easy to establish intercommunication around the world.

It is a system by which communication between the computer and the mind can be established.With the use of the Internet, people's lives have changed rapidly.Through this, people are getting enormous benefits theoretically because information can be exchanged from any part of the world in a short time.Politics, Economy, Various natural disasters, Opportunity to use the Internet in the field of agricultural production biodiversity, entertainment.With the help of the Internet, the world is aware of anything that happens in a moment.

People are getting acquainted with various sciences through the internet.People are getting the chance to read books online using the Internet.At present, people are able to call thousands of different facilities easily using the internet and opportunities for different types of income are being created through the use of only internet.With the use of the Internet, it is becoming easier for people to search different types from far and wide.Communication is now very easy to access using the Internet.With the use of the Internet, the opportunities for self-employment are being created and unemployment rate is very low.The only contribution of the Internet is to make a living by the variety of people's daily life online.

As there are positive benefits to using the Internet, there are many downside.The use of the Internet has given people access to some of the disadvantages.As a result, there are some negative effects on the society.As a result, there are some negative effects on the society.Cybercrime is happening through the internet.Users are deceiving people with false information.It is promoting racism and sectarianism with information that hurts religious values.Remembering various false news is increasing political instability in the country.Misleading people by providing false information, etc., in the economic and cultural fields of the country.In addition, human values ​​are descending into various things, such as character degradation.

The history of the internet and the way to know it.
The history of the internet and the way to know it.

The welfare association should bring books from the subject of science to modern life.The country in which the computer will be used will take into account the actual situation of the country and select its applicable field.In the meantime you have to find the most beneficial aspect of using the Internet.And avoid all tactics and abuses like cyber crime.One must refrain from providing false information that hurts people's religious sentiments.All actions that result in moral deprivation must be abhorred.In a word, science and technology should be used for the welfare of the people.

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