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Use of information technology in the field of bank-insurance financial institutions.

Nowadays the use of information technology is widely noticed in all the activities of the bank-insurance companies.

Use of information technology in the field of bank-insurance financial institutions.
facktory with computer 

All activities are performed with the help of computer, so transactions can be performed in a short time and customer service can be ensured.The current computer network can easily send money from one bank to another.Computers are being used for check clearing in different banks.Apart from this, the use of computer controlled money link machines can be noticed to withdraw money from the bank at any time.

The use of information technology in the factory.

Computer is the main ally of people in the industry.The use of information technology has provided considerable success in controlling the design of machinery, etc.

Data collection:  Information technology is used to collect various datasets to maintain a conducive environment for industrial production.Various types of data used by the motor are collected at different temperatures, such as the amount of chemicals used, the amount of chemicals used, their flow density etc. It is processed by the computer.

Product quality control:  Computer data can be verified by checking the data of the factory whether the quality of the manufactured products is being done.Also, all the equipment used in the production crying is working properly whether it is using a computer to monitor its sickness.Various chemical factories can be controlled with the help of computers at steel factories, power plants, etc.In these centers, different instruments need to be carefully controlled.All physical quantities of the computer can be measured and decided based on that.

Production system:  At present, the use of computer and information technology is essential for the production of goods.Computer-controlled systems are being used in all fields of production.From the use of raw materials collection to marketing to product production, information technology is in the forefront.

            Finally, it can be said that in many cases the use of computers, such as the use of industrial and information technology, can be solved by controlling the production and control of the production of data by the factory.

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