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History of computer in the world.

We need to know now about the history of computer invention.We are very excited to know,how and how computer was discovered from computers by computer?
History of computer in the world

As much as we know and we can now know from the various textbooks about computer history.The concept of calculating numbers in human society since ancient times is conventional.

The people of the past used to count the people with cutlery and even stains in the hand.An abacus machine was introduced to calculate the number of 600 and 650 days of Egypt and cinematic change.Then in 1642 the French scientist Pascal calculator discovered.In 1671, the German scientist invented the properties of multiplication and division.In 1944, IBM invented the electronic mechanical computer from Harvard University and IBM company jointly.After that, extensive use of computer started in 1957.

Computer structure:
The computer consists mainly of two parts.Those parts are discussed below:-

(1)  Hardware
The components that make up the hardware,It is as follows.The hardware is the central processing unit, input, output device, store device.

(2)  Software
Software is all about programmers.

As well as,The computer can be divided into two main sections based on usage.

(1) General Practical Computer
(2) Special Practical Computer

Again,According to the structure and conventional principles, there are three types of computers.

(1)  Analog computer
(2)  Digital computer
(3)  Hybrid computer

Digital computer again has four types,These are

1.  Micro computer
2.  Mini computer
3.  Mainframe computer
4.  Super computer

After all, it can be said that the use of computer technology has brought the world to the hands of the man.

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