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Textbooks in different parts of the computer for writing

Although science and technology are generally considered to be a matter, they are actually two separate topics.Science is the key to the real knowledge of human knowledge and knowledge.so,all the sources of science, which scientists use to make use of human life in a scientific way is called technology.The pace of the current world science and technology has continued fast.

textbooks in differents parts of computer

At present, we can say as astonishing the computer is a wonderful technology in the modern world.The best invention of the twentieth century is the computer.Although the discovery of computers is not too long, it has spread rapidly.Currently computers are playing important role in computer education,  control, Mill factory,Vehicle Control,Security,Entertainment, recreation etc.

What is the computer?:
Computer word counters.so,Computer is a computer apparatus.Accepting computer data and analyzing it can speedily decide on speed.Comprehensive complex mathematical problems can be solved and decisive work with the help of computer.The computer works on the information given by the person and provides information according to the instructions.
textbook parts of the computer

The computer has three parts:
These three parts are very important.

(1)  Input.

Therefore, it accepts information related to information.

(2)  Output.

Therefore, it reveals the results of counting.

(3)  Central Processing Unit.

So,it is a repository of all the information that the computer will work with.
However, the information that the computer works with is called data.

Computer and modern life:
Computer plays an important role in modern life.In the current civilization, the overall technology of people's lives is based on technology.Currently; entertainment,Medical, education is being run with the help of computers.In modern life, people do not calculate in the past, but with the help of computers, people now calculate.Today people depend on computers in these tasks.

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