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9 Great Tips for Cooking Vegetable.

Every meal has its own special cooking rules,But we do not know if that cooking is in the right order.It is important to know some of our rules for tasty cooking,So It is very important for our cooking.By cooking this exact rule we can protect the highest quality of food and nutrition.Let us know today some cooking rules and techniques.

9 great tips gor cooking vegetable

* Vegetable cooking techniques

Properly cooking vegetables, the color and composition of the nutrients are less than wasted.Here are a few ways.

(1) Hard-smelling vegetables such as radish, radish leaf, cabbage opener open the lid for some time and cook when it comes out with a strong odor.
(2) Instead of boiling a carrot sweet potato bit, Steam takes the brighter colors and looks sweeter to eat.Because chlorophyll is released into organic acid.But vegetables should never be cooked for too long.It spoils the color and nutrients of the food.

9 great tips for cooking vegetables

(3) It is better not to put the lid on the beans first, such as greens vegetables. The organic acids are removed and the green color is not wasted.
(4) Vegetables have to be cooked with the same amount of water and once they are done they have to be dropped.
(5) Care must be taken to maintain the color of vegetables.Cauliflower, cabbage, radish is good not to use too much spice to keep their white color intact.

(6) Vegetable boiled water should not be discarded and it can be used as another food.
(7) It is better to change the oil if the color of the oil is dark.Always keep in mind that the same oil should not be played repeatedly, because the oil is slowly poisoned and Glue.
(8) Vegetables grown under the ground, such as potato,radish, carrots, turn mulch into cold water and cook well.

(9) Different foods are cooked differently, such as meat, egg, vegetables are cooked in different rules.If the vegetables grown on the ground in boiling water, the juice smells good.

Cooking the vegetables using the above techniques provides a great taste and delicious food.

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