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Learn about the invention of computers

Although science and technology in general seem to be an issue, they are in fact two separate issues.Science is a special kind of human knowledge.Meanwhile, computers are a wonderful technology in the modern world.Computer is the best invention of the 20th century.Currently computer,

Learn about the invention of computers

education, information, medical, factories are playing an important role in the operation of vehicle control safety and entertainment etc.The word computer is a calculator.That is computer a counting machine. The computer accepts data and can make decisions quickly, in any respect.Computers work on the basis of information provided by humans and Provides information as directed.It is very important to know the history of computer discovery.From ancient times, the concept of counting has been common among mankind.In 1817, Charles Babbage invented the calculation differential engine based on the subtraction.In 1944, the OIBM Company and Harvard University created an electronic mechanical computer (MARK-1) joint venture.Then, from 957 onwards, widespread of computers use

learn about the invention of computer

began.Knowing the structure of a computer is very important.The computer is composed mainly of two parts.It is Hardware & Software.Again, depending on the usage, the computer can be mainly divided into two parts.It is General computer and special computer.According to the reorganization and conventional principles, the computer is again three types.It is Analog computers, digital computers and hybrid computers.Computers play an important role in modern life.At present, Entertainment, education, therapy is being managed by computer.In modern life, people do not spend time collecting data and calculating data. Today, people are dependent on computers for everything.Computers are playing a significant role in the progress of civilization.In today's civilization, the way of life of people is naturally dependent on technology. Now, computers have made life easier for people.People are moving at twice the speed.People's lives are changing day by day.With the use of computer technology, the world has come to the fore.Currently, Computer is playing the most important role in spreading education.People are learning at home through various programs.The teacher teaches the students in the classroom by displaying information through computer.So, it can be said that currently computers are contributing significantly to the publication of information.

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